We are women, we are wives, we are mothers, and we are open to life. This is our way of standing by one another, learning from each other, and leaning on Christ our Savior.
A Redwood tree can stand 200 feet tall and weigh over 400 tons with only a 10 foot deep root. The tree is able to stand strong and tall because its roots spread over an acre and link with all the other surrounding Redwood trees.
This is the theory and purpose behind our blog, to be a support to all of the women who are striving to be open to life in their marriages.
It is our hope that being connected to each other and to Christ, we are able to stand with more strength and more courage in our daily lives.
This blog was created as a way to unite Catholic and Christian women who are using NFP. It is a way to keep us all strengthened in our mission to be truly authentic Christian women, reminded of our true feminine dignity, and by God's grace, remain faithful in being open to life.
“We always make the mistake of thinking that it is what we do that matters, when really what matters is what we let God do to us. God sent the angel to Mary, not to ask her to do something, but to let something be done.” -Fulton Sheen
"One thing is certain: When the time has come, nothing which is man-made will subsist. One day, all human accomplishments will be reduced to a pile of ashes.
But every single child to whom a woman has given birth will live forever, for he has been given an immortal soul made to God's image and likeness."
- Alice von Hidebrand, The Privilege of Being a Women